
Terri Cnudde
This article can be read in about 10 minutes.


前回までの内容はこちらから!→ コロナ渦の初出産、アメリカでの入院経験や費用など

赤ちゃんは無事に誕生してくれましたが、途中先生達やたくさんの看護師さんが部屋に来たりとなかなかびっくりさせられた私の初出産 in America. 一緒の部屋に居てくれた夫も色んなことを次々に対処しないとでさすがにタジタジというか付いていくのに精いっぱい。


アメリカ・カリフォルニア州での出産当日 ②



私達は、YouTubeで見つけたクラスを夫婦で途中ぐらいまで見て最後まで完了していないまま当日を迎えました。もう妊娠後期ドタドタと進んでいったので “なんとかなるか!”精神です。笑





バースプラン Birth Plan



可能な限り妊婦さんの希望に沿った陣痛時の対応出産経験が出来るように「当日の流れや必要なもの、要望・希望を書面で伝える方法」のことです。バースプラン=希望内容を記した用紙 と想像していただくと分かりやすいかもしれませんね!


ANESTHESIA OPTIONS (choose one) 麻酔の選択について(ひとつ選んでください)
FOR A VAGINAL BIRTH, I would like (choose as many as you wish) 経膣分娩の場合、私は~がよいです(ご希望のものをいくつでも選択してください)
 In the event of a CESAREAN DELIVERY, 帝王切開となった場合、
 BABY CARE PLAN 赤ちゃんのお世話プラン
 CIRCUMCISION 割礼(男の子のおちんちんの表皮をどうするか)



(if you are planning to create a birth plan, please use the following pages)

Name: My Due Date:
Partner’s Name: Physician Name:

〇 I would like to be able to move around as I wish during labor
〇 I would like to be able to drink fluids during labor.
I prefer:
〇 An intravenous (IV) line for fluids and medications
〇 A heparin or saline lock – this device provides access to a vein but is not hooked up to a fluid bag
〇 I don’t have a preference
I would like the following persons present with me during labor: ________________________________________________

〇 It’s OK 〇 NOT OK for medical students or residents to be present during labor and delivery.

I would like to try the following options if they are available: (choose as many as you wish):
〇 A birthing ball 〇 A birthing stool 〇 A birthing chair 〇 A squat bar
〇 A warm shower or bath during labor (not during delivery)

〇 I do not want anesthesia offered to me during labor unless I specifically request it
〇 I would like anesthesia. Please discuss the options with me.
〇 I do not know whether I want anesthesia. Please discuss options with me.

I would like the following persons present with me during labor: ________________________________________________
〇 Unless it needs to be done to ensure the safety of the baby, I would prefer not to have an episiotomy.
〇 I have made prior arrangements for storing umbilical cord blood.

Birth Plan page 2… Name: DOB:

FOR A VAGINAL BIRTH, I would like (choose as many as you wish)
〇 To use a mirror to see the baby’s birth
〇 For my labor coach to help support me during the pushing stage
〇 For the room to be as quiet as possible
〇 For one of my support persons to cut the umbilical cord
〇 For the lights to be dimmed
〇 To be able to have one of my support persons take pictures of the birth.
〇 For my baby to be put directly onto my abdomen immediately after delivery.
〇 To begin breastfeeding my baby as soon as possible after birth

In the event of a CESAREAN DELIVERY, I would like the following person to be present with me: _______________________
Stanford HealthCare-ValleyCare Policy: 1 support person allowed in surgery room and recovery, must be the same person.
〇 I would like to see my baby before he or she is given eye drops
〇 I would like one of my support persons to hold the baby after delivery if I am not able to.
〇 I would like one of my support persons to accompany my baby to the nursery.

I would like my baby to be:
〇 Breastfed exclusively 〇 Bottle-fed 〇 Combine breastfeeding and bottle-feeding
It’s OK to offer my baby (check as many as you wish):
〇 A pacifier 〇 Formula 〇 Sugar water 〇 None of the above
I would like my baby to stay (check one):
〇 In my room with me at all times
〇 In my room with me except when I am asleep
〇 In the nursery but be brought to me for feedings
〇 I don’t know yet, I will decide after the birth

〇 If my baby is a boy and I would like a circumcision, I am aware I must speak with my pediatrician.

Once completed, please share a copy with your physician and place a copy in your hospital bag

Stanford Health Care  birth plan より引用 (検索するとPDFがトップにきます)



先生に聞きそびれていた(いきなりの出産日決定で頭がそこまで回らなかったです(^-^;)ので実際の正解がどれなのか私にも不確かですが、当日入院して部屋で落ち着いた時に担当の看護師さんに「I brought a birth plan. Is that ok to show you now? (バースプラン作ってきたんですけど看護師さんに今見せてもいいですか?)」と尋ねると、「Oh, you made it!? That’s cool! Great! Yes, I wanna see it here, now. (あら作成したんですか?いいじゃないですか~!今見せてほしいです。)」とそこで記した内容を丁寧に確認してくださいました。


バースプランを作成することで、事前に英語の確認にもなるし何より「そんなこと書かれてないと気がまわらないな~!」というような細かなことまで気づくことが出来たのでご用意をおススメします!(*^^*) 点滴や食塩水、麻酔のこと等は素人にはよく分からなかったのでその場で看護師さんに相談しました。


にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ アメリカ情報へ
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